The use of aluminiferous coatings profoundly improves the service life of superalloys but leads to the microstructural degradation of superalloys and thus the loss of mechanical properties. To solve this trade-off, two strategies were employed in this research. At first, we modified MCrAlY coatings by inducing Ta to reduce the interdiffusion effect on substrate alloys. This strategy was verified by 2000 h/1100 °C oxidation tests in two Ta-containing MCrAlY-IN792 systems. The system with 3.3 wt.% Ta MCrAlY displays an outstanding resistance to γ′ depletion in the substrate and comparable oxidation property in comparison with a reference system of Ta-free MCrAlY-IN792. Increasing Ta to 7.4 wt.% results in reduced oxidation resistance. Thermodynamic simulations revealed the phase-Prof. Ru Lin Peng, for her infinite enthusiasm and support, valuable discussions and constructive comments. And I have learned a lot from her rigorous science cogitation. Secondly, I want to thank my co-supervisor Dr.Xin-Hai Li, from Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB and Prof. Johan Moverare for providing the valuable guidance and fruitful discussions. Special thanks are addressed to Pimin Zhang and Kang Yuan, former PhDs from our division, who have done outstanding jobs as a good guidance for my following research. My thanks also go to my collaborators from Charmers University, Dr. Xiaolong Li and Pr. Sheng Guo, who have prepared materials for our project. And I want to thank all my colleagues in Engineering Materials for their kind help during the study. Sincerely, appreciate our head of division, Mattias Calmunger for his warm concern, Jinghao and Rodger for their supporting in my oxidation experiments.