We show that the half-integrands in the CHY representation of tree amplitudes give rise to the definition of differential forms -the scattering forms -on the moduli space of a Riemann sphere with n marked points. These differential forms have some remarkable properties. We show that all singularities are on the divisor M 0,n \M 0,n . Each singularity is logarithmic and the residue factorises into two differential forms of lower points. In order for this to work, we provide a threefold generalisation of the CHY polarisation factor (also known as reduced Pfaffian) towards off-shell momenta, unphysical polarisations and away from the solutions of the scattering equations. We discuss explicitly the cases of bi-adjoint scalar amplitudes, Yang-Mills amplitudes and gravity amplitudes.In this article we bring three things together, which really should be viewed together: (i) the Cachazo-He-Yuan (CHY) representation of tree-level n-point scattering amplitudes [1-3], (ii) the moduli space M 0,n of n marked points on a Riemann surface of genus zero and (iii) "positive" geometries / "canonical" forms, as recently discussed by Bai and Lam [4]. The integrand of the CHY representation for bi-adjoint scalar amplitudes, Yang-Mills amplitudes and gravity amplitudes is constructed from two factors, a cyclic factor (or Parke-Taylor factor) and a polarisation factor (also known as reduced Pfaffian). We show that the cyclic factor and the polarisation factor lead to differential (n − 3)-forms Ω cyclic scattering and Ω pol scattering , respectively, on the compactification M 0,n of M 0,n , such that the only singularities of the differential forms Ω scattering are on the divisor M 0,n \M 0,n . Each singularity is logarithmic and the residue factorises into two differential forms of lower points. These scattering forms figure prominently in the recent work by Mizera [5,6]. The scattering forms are cocycles and Mizera has shown that the amplitudes are intersection numbers of these cocycles, twisted by a one-form derived from the scattering equations.We put "positive" geometry into quotes. The reason is the following: The solutions of the scattering equations are in general complex and correspond to points in M 0,n . Only for very special external momenta p are the solutions of the scattering equations real [7][8][9]. If the solutions are real, we may limit ourselves to the space of real points M 0,n (R). This is a positive space in the sense of Arkani-Hamed, Bai and Lam [4], with boundary M 0,n (R)\M 0,n (R). However, we are interested in the general situation. This forces us to work throughout the paper with the complex numbers C instead of the real numbers R. For simplicity we write M 0,n instead of M 0,n (C). We find that the notion of "positivity" is not essential, what is essential is the structure of the divisor