The Ag-NOR staining technique is widely used for visualizing nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in various plant and animal tissues. We describe a simple and time-saving combination of Ag-NOR staining with DNA detection by fluorescence microscopy. This modification was tested on cultured cells and semi-thin sections of plastic-embedded tissues. Of the different fixatives and embedding media used in our studies, the best results (i.e., high selectivity of staining, and lack of or very low background precipitation) were obtained with fixation in methanol-acetone at-20 degrees C for cultured cells, and fixation in 4% formaldehyde followed by embedding in Histocryl resin for tissue sections. The optimal time of Ag-NOR staining was determined experimentally for all materials tested. The specificity of the staining was checked at the electron microscopical level. Especially good results were obtained by mixing epifluorescence with standard bright-field illumination. In such a combination, Ag-NOR-positive nucleoli, or their fibrillar centres and dense fibrillar components, were clearly visible against a bright background of nuclear DNA.