BACKGROUND: High infection rate of grain harvest, produced in Russia annually, by causative agents of fungal and bacterial diseases, causing significant quantitative losses of grain and decreasing of storage quality, revealed low efficiency of operation of chemical treatment, nowadays widely used in production for disinfection of grain and seeds. Therefore, development of electrophysical disinfection methods, which are environmentally friendly and effective against fungal and bacterial infections, as well as development of technical devices for their implementation is a relevant scientific and production problem.
AIMS: Development of method of choice and definition of reasonable parameters of alternating current generator and electromagnet of disinfectant device for grain and seeds.
METHODS: The study subjects are methods and conditions of generation of alternating magnetic fields in the operational volume of impact on grain seeds flow. The study method is analysis of laws of electromagnetism and adaptation of them to the process of definition of electromagnet parameters for the operational volume of the disinfectant device. The study materials include the adapted mathematical expressions of magnet winding parameters and the method of their use.
RESULTS: For the sake of implementation of the new method of grain and seeds disinfection from causative agents of fungal and bacterial diseases by alternating magnet field, two methods of choice and calculation of electromagnet, which is the key element of the disinfectant device, have been developed. The first method comes to reasonable use of properties of a chosen generator by means of definition of coil winding parameters, ensuring demanded field density. Coil dimensions and time of impact on seeds will determine the device performance for treated grain. In the second method, the capacity of material flow through operational chamber (in the electromagnet) is conditioned by operational needs. It determines the size, parameters and operational modes of chamber (the inductance coil), ensuring the field demand, enough for disinfection, that, in the end, defines the properties of the generator.
CONCLUSIONS: The suggested method makes it possible to accelerate the development of facilities for implementation of highly efficient, energy saving and environmentally friendly technology of low-frequency magnetic disinfection of grain and seeds and to incorporate it in agricultural production.