In this paper, in order to probe the spectatorscattering and weak annihilation contributions in charmless B s → V V (where V stands for a light vector meson) decays, we perform the χ 2 -analyses for the endpoint parameters within the QCD factorization framework, under the constraints from the measuredB s → ρ 0 φ, φ K * 0 , φφ and K * 0K * 0 decays. The fitted results indicate that the endpoint parameters in the factorizable and nonfactorizable annihilation topologies are non-universal, which is also favored by the charmless B → P P and PV (where P stands for a light pseudo-scalar meson) decays observed in previous work. Moreover, the abnormal polarization fractions f L ,⊥ (B s → K * 0K * 0 ) = (20.1±7.0)%, (58.4±8.5)% measured by the LHCb collaboration can be reconciled through the weak annihilation corrections. However, the branching ratio ofB s → φ K * 0 decay exhibits a tension between the data and theoretical result, which dominates the contributions to χ 2 min in the fits. Using the fitted endpoint parameters, we update the theoretical results for the charmless B s → V V decays, which will be further tested by the LHCb and Belle-II experiments in the near future.