I extend my gratitude and appreciation for the several villagers in the Corbett landscape for sharing their time, stories, homes and delicious meals with me. Particularly my constant family during fieldwork, and now lifelong friends. Hari, I have enjoyed learning together with you over all the field visits and I am thankful that continues even now.To my supervisors Bram Büscher, Robert Fletcher and Nitin Rai: thank you for all your support and guidance. I first discussed the possibility of working on political ecology research with Nitin Rai in Bangalore at a small tea and snack shop. This led to five years of PhD research, and I am thankful to you Nitin, for the opportunity, for your openness to ideas, understanding and your continued support. The possibility of doing an external PhD was introduced to me by Rob Fletcher with whom I was fortunate enough to learn from during my Master's program as well. Rob, thank you for your consistency, support, empathy and patience in helping me navigate the PhD and encouraging me to write about what I felt needed telling. Bram Büscher, thank you for all your support during the PhD, your insights and for offering a critical lens to consistently sharpen my analysis. I have learnt a lot from each one of you, and for that I am genuinely thankful. I would like to thank the Greenmentality project team for having me onboard and for the research support. I have benefitted from peer exchange and learning in workshops and courses. Thank you to all the course facilitators and peers.To my family and friends around the world: you have been a source of immense support and encouragement throughout this journey. Evan, thank you for your patience and the many ways you have supported and encouraged me. To my parents and my brother: thank you for always bringing valuable perspective during this journey, and reminding me, in your own ways, there is more to life. To my aunt, Seema Bhatt, thank you for encouraging me to conduct field work in Corbett, for the field visit and for all the conversations. I have been lucky to share this PhD journey with friends going through the same process, and others who have been interested in my research and wellbeing. There are many other family members and friends who have anchored me during this PhD journey. I am grateful to you, and looking forward to being more present with you all.CTR is located in Uttarakhand State in the Sivalik foothill region of the Indian Himalayas. It covers a total of 1288.31 sq. km and encompasses a mix of montane areas and sub-Himalayan tracts called terai-bhabar, which include grasslands, wetlands, riverine tracts, and moist deciduous forests (Badola, et al 2011). The forests comprise about 70% of the area with grasslands, wetlands, agriculture, and settlements occupying the remaining 30% (Government of Uttarakhand 2010). The Reserve contains a Core protected area of 821.99 sq. km which is Forms of conservation governance have been conceptualised as environmentality (Luke 1995; Agrawal 2005) a concept rooted in Foucault's analysis ...