Metamaterial is the arrangement of "artificial" elements in a periodic manner providing unusual electromagnetic properties. This unusual property has made it an area of interest for last few decades. It has wide applications in antennas. Gain, directivity, bandwidth, efficiency, and many other parameters of microstrip patch antenna can be improved using metamaterials. In this review paper, we first overview the metamaterials, its types and then the application of metamaterials in Microstrip patch antennas over the last 13-15 years.Here, the metamaterials are classified on the basis of permittivity and permeability as shown in Figure 2.In this review paper, the metamaterial and its types on the basis of permittivity and permeability have been studied. Metamaterials has many applications in patch antennas. It can improve the gain, bandwidth, directivity, and the efficiency of the antenna. It can reduce the size, sidelobes, and the backlobes of the antenna. The applications of the metamaterial to improve gain, directivity, size, bandwidth, and efficiency of the patch antenna has also been studied.