In this opinion article, we challenge the traditional view that breeding for reduced Cluptake would benefit plant salinity tolerance. A negative correlation between shoot Clconcentration and plant biomass does not hold for halophytes, naturally salt tolerant species. We argue that under physiologically relevant conditions, Cluptake requires plants to invest metabolic energy, and that the poor selectivity of Cl-transporting proteins may explain the reported negative correlation between Claccumulation and crop salinity tolerance. We propose a new paradigm: salinity tolerance could be achieved by improving the selectivity of some of the broadlyselective anion-transporting proteins (e.g. for NO 3-> Cl-), alongside tight control of Cluptake, rather than targeting traits mediating its efflux from the root. Chloride-A Toxin or a Beneficial Osmoticum? The physiological and molecular mechanisms conferring plant salinity tolerance have been intensively studied over the last four decades. Most investigations have focused on Na + , but the past few years have witnessed a 'renaissance period' for Clresearch. This interest is mainly driven by the need to fully understand the role of Clas a nutrient and its conflicting role in limiting plant growth in saline soils [1-5]. However, this current attention on the role of Clin plant salinity responses has concentrated on non-halophytes. Is Cl-, when present at high concentrations in cells, 'toxic' to all plants and via what mechanism(s) (see Outstanding Questions)? Is plant breeding for Clexclusion (see Glossary) the best way to proceed? For Na + , studies on halophytes have instigated a paradigm shift in the suggested approach to crop breeding for salt tolerance [6]. Should this be considered also for Cl-? We argue here that halophytes require Clas an osmoticum for growth and invest metabolic energy for its uptake, even under saline conditions. We then discuss the molecular identity and regulation of Cltransport proteins in halophytes as well as the implications of these findings for breeding salt tolerant plants. Should Chloride be Excluded? In non-halophytes, the current notion is that Clexclusion from the shoot (either from the root epidermis or the xylem) is crucial for salt tolerance [1, 3, 7-12]. These arguments are supported by findings in some salt-sensitive species that high shoot Cllevels correlate with severe physiological dysfunctions that not only affect yield but also the quality and edibility of non-halophytic crops [4, 13, 14]. Nonetheless, tissue Clconcentrations in halophytes can exceed 500 mM [15, 16]. In some extreme dicotyledonous halophytes (including those that do not rely on salt glands or bladders for ion homeostasis), viable shoot tissues can contain more than 1.5 M Cl-[17, 18]. Thus, the reported negative correlation between shoot Clconcentration and plant biomass in some salt-grown non-halophytes does not hold for halophytes (Fig 1). The physiological rationale behind the high shoot Clconcentrations in halophytes is, first, that accumulating Clis energet...