Objectives. An objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) was developed and validated as an addition to the entry-to-practice examination for pharmacists that previously consisted of both a multiple-choice, case-based written test of clinical knowledge and a performance assessment. Methods. Designing the OSCE for entry-to-practice certification of pharmacists in Canada required extensive consultation with stakeholders, development of an examination blueprint outlining competencies to be assessed, careful development and validation of multiple OSCE stations with tasks linked to the blueprint, development of assessment instruments, field testing of stations, development and validation of standard-setting procedures, and protocols for data collection and analysis. Results. The examination was field tested, finalized, and first delivered in May 2001. Preliminary analysis of results indicated the development and validation processes were successful in producing an OSCE model that is reliable with valid outcomes, defensible, and feasible.
Conclusion. The Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada's Qualifying Examination (Part II -OSCE)represents the first time that a multi-site national licensing exam for entry-level practitioners in pharmacy has incorporated an objective structured clinical examination component. Together, the written and OSCE exams provide a broad assessment of competency, to ensure entry-level practitioners meet standards of practice for the protection of the public.Keywords: Examination, Certification, Clinical Assessment, OSCE, Pharmacy Education, Test Format, Testing specific medical conditions or drug-related problems), or "standardized clients" (actors or other health professionals who have been specially trained to portray allied health professionals in an interdisciplinary health care context). A candidate in an interactive station is observed and assessed by a trained examiner using a standardized marking key. Non-interactive (or quiet) stations typically are written responses to tasks or problems and involve no direct observation and assessment.