Management of burn injury is a challenging task as it can lead to considerable amount of agony and disability for
the victims. An estimated annual burn incidence in India is 6-7 million. Ayurvedic medicines got much desired
boost for current & emerging challenges, it is crucial that Ayurvedic medicines are beneficial, must play their respective roles in promoting health & preventing or treating diseases. Sushruta pioneer of Indian surgery explained
Dagdha Vrana (burn) and its management in 12th Adhyaya of Sutrasthana. As the patients of Dagdha (Burn) are
increasing in society due to today’s stressful & busy lifestyle. The present study entitled “A Case Study of Vikeshika
for Local Application in the Management of Burn.” Treatments prescribed in modern medicine like chlorhexidine
acetate as bactigauze had proved their definite efficacy in the Burn management, but they have some limitations
like it can’t avoid eschar, hypertrophic scar, post burn contracture which harms as a cosmetically. So, to overcome
these deficiencies we can apply Vikeshika as local application in the 1st & 2nd degree burn. The clinical assessment
was done based on grading criteria with specific symptomology of Dagda Vrana like Vedana (pain), Srava (secretion), Vrana Varna (colour), Gandha (smell), eschar, discoloration, hypertrophic scar, and contracture. According
to observations and results, a conclusion has been reached.