Abstract. The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship of drug solubility in a complex lipid mixture to that of the individual ingredients with the goal of substantiating a quantitative equation that can be applied in formulation development of lipid dosage forms. To this end, the solubility of four drugs, which span a large range of physicochemical properties, was evaluated in 18 lipid ingredients that cover the major lipid classes. To assess the solubility relation in complex lipid mixtures in an unbiased manner, the experiments were created as an experimental design with the ability to detect cubic curvature in the solubility-lipid composition space. The results demonstrated that for all drugs, irrespective of their significantly distinct physicochemical properties, solubility in lipid mixtures can be readily estimated as a simple weighted average of the drug solubility in the individual ingredients. This result is of great value to formulators who can minimize a large number of solubility experiments once a basis set of solubility is determined in individual lipids.KEY WORDS: drug solubility; lipid dosage form.