AİM: The merger of the fifth lumbar vertebrae with the first sacral vertebrae is called the sacralization of the lumbar vertebrae. The purpose of this study, changes in os sacrum with sacralization were detected and morphometric measurements were made.
Material and Methods: Measurements on a total of 30 sacrum bones in the laboratory from the Department of Anatomy were carried out using a digital plot with a sensitivity of 0.01 millimeters (mm). Os sacrum measurements were taken.
Results: In one of the examined sacrums, it was found that tuberositas ossis sacri had the form of a pit, and on the underside of it there was a pronounced groove. The processus transverse of the last lumbar vertebra, which fused with the os sacrum, was not noticeably fused. Partial sacralization was detected in the linea transversa at the anterior junction of the os sacrum and the last lumbar vertebra. In the sacrums examined, 21 of them were found to have four foramina sacralias, 9 of them were found to be variated, and five of them were found to be foramina sacraliae, and these bones were found to be varied. Measurements of the right and left foramen were taken and the MLU and MTU values of the variated and normal sacrums and MLU and MTU values were not statistically significant (p