The aim: To establish patterns of structural and functional changes in internal organs, including kidneys, under the conditions of exposure to scorpion venom toxins.
Materials and methods: A thorough literature analysis was conducted on the basis of PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus databases. When processing the search results, we chose the newest publications up to 5 years old or the most thorough publications that vividly described the essence of our topic.
Conclusions: The venom of various species of scorpions exhibits a wide range of biological activity. Acting on the structures of the central and peripheral nervous system, the toxins of scorpion venom cause the development of paralysis, convulsions, brain inflammation, hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes. Under conditions of influence on the cardiovascular system, damage to the endothelial lining of the vascular wall, disturbances in heart rhythm, conduction, and the development of destructive changes in the myocardium are characteristic. Data on kidney damage due to scorpion bites require a more detailed study, as information on microscopic and submicroscopic changes in the structure of the organ is too limited. However, cases of the development of tubular necrosis, interstitial nephritis, and kidney infarction are currently known.