Nardostachys jatamansi, commonly known as “jatamansi,” is a perennial herbaceous plant renowned for its medicinal properties. The rhizomes of N. jatamansi have been traditionally used in various medicinal practices owing to their therapeutic benefits. This abstract delves into the extraction process and isolation of phytoconstituents from N. jatamansi rhizomes, elucidating the extraction, purification, and structural analysis methods. The extraction of bioactive compounds from N. jatamansi rhizomes commonly employs soxhlet extraction, percolation, and maceration extraction techniques. These methods enable the efficient extraction of phytoconstituents from the plant material, ensuring optimal yield and purity. N. jatamansi has a rich history of traditional uses, including its application in Ayurvedic and traditional medicine systems for its diverse therapeutic properties. The rhizomes are reputed for their efficacy in treating various ailments, such as anxiety, insomnia, epilepsy, and gastrointestinal disorders. Furthermore, the bioactivity of isolated phytoconstituents from N. jatamansi rhizomes has been extensively studied. These bioactive compounds exhibit a range of pharmacological activities, including neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial effects. Structural elucidation of these phytoconstituents through advanced analytical techniques provides insights into their chemical composition and potential therapeutic mechanisms. The study concludes that the extraction, purification, and structural analysis of phytoconstituents from N. jatamansi rhizomes contribute to understanding its medicinal properties and pave the way for developing novel therapeutics with diverse pharmacological applications.