This study investigates gender differences in cold perceptions and wearing behaviors for cold adaptation. A questionnaire composed of items on cold perceptions, intentions toward wearing additional clothing, and clothing for outdoor environments, among others, was used. Each item in the survey targeted 260 male (MS) and female (FS) college students evaluated using a five-point Likert-type scale. Data were statistically analyzed using the independent sample t-test and correlations. Main results can be summarized as follows: MS subjects showed lower dependence on the thermal insulation of clothing because they felt less cold and had the better ability to cope with cold. MS subjects had higher dependence on underwear during cold seasons, and FS subjects tended to wear heavier clothing to compensate for their cold feet with insufficient insulation. In addition, it was preferable to estimate thermal effects of actual wear by taking into account gender differences in the physique. The study is limited in that the room temperature and the actual amount of clothing were not measured, which offers an avenue for future research.