The management of interforaminal fracture can prove to be challenging because of its unique anatomy and muscular forces. Often, lingual splaying has been found either postoperatively or even during the procedures in such fractures and can be challenging when it comes to managing them. Various modalities such as miniplates, lag screws, and three-dimensional (3D) miniplates have been utilized to manage these fractures. This article compares these three modalities in the management of lingual splaying.
Material and Methods:
Thirty patients were allotted randomly to either of the aforementioned modalities randomly in this prospective study. The patients were operated and followed up for the period of 6 months.
It was found that no significant difference exists between the modalities in terms of reduction in lingual splay.
All three modalities have different ventures to offer. A larger sample size study may be warranted to elucidate the obtained results.