Synthetic wastewaters simulating physically pre-treated low-loaded winery effluents were treated for four months with five pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands (HSSF-CWs) using different plants. Species under study were Phragmites australis (HSSF-CW2), Lythrum salicaria (HSSF-CW3), Cladium mariscus (HSSF-CW4), and Iris pseudacorus (HSSF-CW5). The designation HSSF-CW1 was not planted, and was used as a control. The mean dissolved oxygen and oxidation-reduction potential values in all HSSF-CWs indicated anaerobic conditions in the bulk liquid. High pollutant-removal efficiencies were obtained. Apparently, the species with higher growth (Phragmites, Lythrum, and particularly Iris) improved total nitrogen (TN) and nitrogen as ammonium (N-NH4 + ) removals, but adversely affected sulphate (SO4 2-) anaerobic reduction. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies were high, although there were no clear indications how the kinds of plants might have influenced this parameter. A statistical analysis of variance indicated that only N-NH4 + removal efficiencies were statistically different owing to the influence of the different plants. In a second 6 month experimental period, polyphenols (13 mg L -1 ) were added to the synthetic wastewater to study possible inhibition effects. The addition of polyphenols did not seem to cause inhibition effects on COD, TN, and N-NH4 + removals, but clearly negatively affected SO 4 2-removal. A new two-way analysis of variance confirmed that only SO 4 2-removal was negatively affected by polyphenols, while the effects of the different plants were only significant for N-NH 4 + removal. Polyphenols were nearly completely removed. First order rate constants obtained for COD, TN, SO 4 2-, and polyphenol removals were similar to those reported by other authors.Résumé : Des eaux usées artificielles simulant les effluents physiquement prétraités, faiblement chargés, provenant des vineries ont été traitées pendant quatre mois dans cinq marécages artificiels à l'échelle pilote, à circulation horizontale sous surface (HSSF-CW), utilisant plusieurs types de plantes. Les plantes à l'étude étaient Phragmites australis (HSSF-CW2), Lythrum salicaria (HSSF-CW3), Cladium mariscus (HSSF-CW4) et Iris pseudacorus (HSSF-CW5). Le HSSF-CW1 n'a pas été planté et a été utilisé comme témoin. Les valeurs moyennes d'oxygène dissous et du potentiel d'oxydoréduction dans tous les HSSF-CW indiquent des conditions anaérobies dans les liquides en vrac. Des efficacités élevées d'élimi-nation des polluants ont été atteintes. Manifestement, les plantes présentant la plus forte croissance (Phragmites, Lythrum, et particulièrement Iris) ont amélioré l'élimination de l'azote total et du N-NH4 + , mais ont nui à la réduction anaérobie des sulfates. L'efficacité d'élimination de la DCO était élevée, mais aucune influence des plantes n'a été clairement observée. Une analyse statistique de la variance a indiquée que seulement l'efficacité d'élimination du N-NH4 + a été différente statistiquement en raison...