Suppression measurements for neutral pions (π 0 ) are used to investigate the predicted path length (L) and transverse momentum (pT ) dependent jet quenching patterns of the hot QCD medium produced in Au+Au collisions at √ sNN = 200 GeV. The observed scaling patterns show the predicted trends for jet-medium interactions dominated by radiative energy loss. They also allow simple estimates of the transport coefficientq and the ratio of viscosity to entropy density η/s. These estimates indicate that the short mean free path (λ) in the QCD medium leading to hydrodynamic-like flow with a small value of η/s, is also responsible for the strong suppression observed.One of the important discoveries at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), has been the observation that highp T hadron yields are suppressed in central and midcentral A+A collisions when compared to the binaryscaled yields from p+p collisions [1]. This observation has been attributed to jet-quenching [2] -the process by which hard scattered partons interact and loose energy in the hot and dense quark gluon plasma (QGP) produced in the collisions. Subsequent to such interactions, the partons which do emerge, then fragment into topologically aligned hadrons (jets) which provide the basis for the π 0 suppression measurements. There is considerable current interest in the use of jet quenching as a quantitative tomographic probe of the QGP. Recent theoretical efforts have centered on investigations of the energy loss mechanism for scattered partons which propagate through this medium. Two such mechanisms are; (i) scatterings off thermal partons in binary elastic collisions and (ii) Gluon bremsstrahlung with the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) [3] effect. The latter has been investigated via different formalisms [4,5,6,7,8,9,10]. Studies of the relative importance of both jet quenching mechanisms have also been made [11,12,13,14]. To date, a conclusive mechanistic picture has not yet emerged.Initial quantitative studies with models which incorporate the time evolution of the QGP medium via relativistic ideal (3+1)-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations, are currently underway [15,16]. However, the value of such studies rests heavily on accurate knowledge of the dominant mechanism/s for jet quenching. Therefore, it is important to pursue validation tests which can lend insight or provide a clear distinction between different energy loss mechanisms.The experimental probe commonly exploited for jetquenching studies in AA collisions is the nuclear modification factor (R AA );where σ pp is the particle production cross section in p+p collisions and T AA is the nuclear thickness function averaged over the impact parameter range associated with a given centrality selectionThe corresponding average number of nucleon-nucleon collisions, N coll = σ inel pp T AA , is routinely obtained via a Monte-Carlo Glauber-based model calculation [18,19].In this letter we use R AA measurements to perform validation tests which addresses the q...