Background: Ultrasonography has played a significant part in obstetric care. This has progressed from basic 2-D imaging to Doppler imaging to monitor foetal and maternal circulation, as well as 3-D imaging of foetal anatomy .).Obstetrical ultrasound has proven crucial in a variety of ways, two in particular being more accurate pregnancy dating and detection of fetal anomalies. The aim of this study is determine to Correlation between late second and third trimester placental thickness detected by ultrasound and gestational age in normal and IUGR pregnancies.
Methods: This study was a prospective study that was conducted on100 pregnant women who attended the outpatient clinics or admitted at inpatients wards of Obstetrics and Gynecology department, Tanta University during the period from December 2019 to December 2020.
Results In the majority of gestational age groups, the mean placental thickness was lower in group I than that detected in group II (P<0.01) except that detected between 28 and 29 weeks and 29 and 30 weeks, where there was no significant difference between two studied groups regarding placental thickness (P>0.05). In addition, the present study indicated that 26 out of 50 (52%) of newborns in group I had a birth weight below the fifth percentile and 24% of them had a birth weight ranged between 5 th -10 th percentile for gestational age and sex at the time of birth whereas all newborns of group II had a birth weight >10th percentile for gestational age and sex. A comparison of neonates’ birth characteristics and outcomes between two groups showed a statistically significant difference in the birth weight among both studied groups
Conclusions: The mean placental thickness was steadily increased with increased gestational age both IUGR and normal fetal weight cases. in addition, In the majority of gestational age groups, the mean placental thickness was lower in IUGR than that their normal weight conterparts.