Both High Ligation/ Stripping and Radiofrequency ablation have been accepted as a standard in the management of varicose veins and are being performed by general and vascular surgeons.
To compare the postoperative outcome in terms of timing of return to daily activities, post-operative pain scoring, incidence of hematoma, thrombophlebitis and improvement in Venous Severity scores among patients undergoing High Ligation/ Stripping and Radiofrequency Ablation
This study was conducted in JSS Hospital in the departments of general and vascular surgery. A total of 72 patients with Duplex confirmed truncal varicosities were included in the study and 36 underwent High Ligation/ Stripping while 36 underwent Radiofrequency Ablation. Follow up was done at POD1, 3, 5, 7, 30 and at the end of 3 months.
There was no recurrence in the two groups but RFA group had significantly lesser duration of hospital stay (P value <0.0001), lesser postoperative Visual Analogue Score for pain (1.17 ± 0.94 on day 7) and earlier return to work (3.56 ± 1.87 days), P <0.0001.
Patients who underwent RFA had lesser post-operative pain scores, lesser duration of hospitalization, early return to work but there was no recurrence in both groups at the end of 3 months.