The depolarization ratio of the v I Raman bands and the vibrational relaxation time of liquid carbon tetrachloride at 1 bar to 1.1 kbar were obtained by resolving the overlapping v~ fundamental bands of five isotopic species and three broad combination bands by least-squares fitting. The eight component bands were represented by Voigt functions, the Gaussian widths of which were determined from the spectral slit widths. The resulting depolarization ratio of the v~ fundamental bands at 1 bar is 0"0040, which is about 40% smaller than the depolarization ratio obtained from the whole region of the Vl band. It decreases to 0.0033 at 1-15kbar, which follows approximately the theoretical curve of the fluctuating-local-field model. The vibrational relaxation time obtained from the band width of the Vl fundamental band of C35C14 decreases linearly from 6.0 ps at 1 bar to 4.7 ps at 1.15 kbar. The change is well reproduced by Schweizer and Chandler's kinetic model.