Background: A significant proportion of the patients develop symptoms of dry eyes following manual small-incision cataract surgery (MSICS). The pathogenesis of this complication remains unclear. Various studies have been done to study this and multiple mechanisms have been proposed. The idea of this review is to give a comprehensive insight to the factors involved in the pathogenesis of dry eyes after MSICS. An extensive electronic literature search was done using search engines such as PubMed and Google Scholar using the mesh terms/key words "Pathogenesis, postoperative dry eyes, manual small incision cataract surgery". A total of 26 studies were included in the review. The various etiological factors were discussed in detail. The most common factors were noted.
Conclusion:There are myriad factors involved in the occurrence of postoperative dry eye of which transection of corneal nerves during surgery and the use of postoperative topical medication with preservatives rank as the two most important causes.