In this study, the performance of the cutting parameters used in the finish milling of the AISI P20+S plastic-mold steel were researched and the optimum machining conditions were identified. Experiments were made according to the Taguchi L8 (4 1 × 2 3 ) orthogonal array. The evaluation of the experimental results was based on the signal/noise (S/N) ratio. Control factors for the optimum surface-roughness values were determined using the Taguchi method. Four different cutting speeds (100, 150, 200, 250) m/min, two different feed rates (0.1, 0.2) mm/r, depths of cut (0.12, 0.16) mm and cooling methods (dry and wet) were selected as the control factors. The effects of the control factors on the surface roughness were determined with an analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the experimental results. A multiple regression analysis was also conducted using the experimental results. A higher correlation coefficient (R 2 ) was obtained with a linear regression model, which showed a value of 0.923 for Ra. Finally, confirmation tests were performed and they showed that the optimization was successfully implemented. Using the Taguchi analysis, we found the optimum results for the surface roughness at a cutting speed of 150 m/min, a feed rate of 0.1 mm/r, a depth of cut of 0.16 mm and the wet cooling method. The results of the calculation and confirmation tests for the Ra were 0.288 μm and 0.296 μm. Keywords: AISI P20+S, finish milling, Taguchi method, surface roughness V {tudiji avtor raziskuje in analizira u~inek uporabljenih parametrov rezanja na kon~no mehansko obdelavo z rezkanjem jekla za brizganje plastike tip AISI P20+S. Z analizo je ugotovil tudi optimalne pogoje mehanske obdelave. Preizkuse je izvedel v skladu s Taguchijevo L8 (4 1 × 2 3 ) ortogonalno matriko. Ovrednotenje eksperimentalnih rezultatov je temeljilo na razmerju S/N (angl.: signal/noise ratio S/N) oz. primerjavi med nivojem`eljenega signala in nivojem motnje v ozadju. Avtor {tudije je izbral kontrolne faktorje, ki so mu omogo~ali pridobivanje vrednosti za optimalno povr{insko hrapavost na osnovi Taguchijeve metode. Izbral je naslednje kontrolne faktorje: {tiri razli~ne hitrosti rezanja (100, 150, 200, 250) m/min, dve razli~ni hitrosti podajanja (0,1 in 0,2) mm/obrat, dve globini reza (0,12 in 0,16) mm in dva na~ina hlajenja (suho in mokro). U~inek nivojev kontrolnih faktorjev na povr{insko hrapavost je ovrednotil z analizo variance (ANOVA) eksperimentalnih rezultatov. Izvedel je ve~stopenjsko regresijsko analizo eksperimentalnih rezultatov. Najve~ji korelacijski koeficient (R 2 ) je dobil z modelno linearno regresijo in sicer za hrapavost Ra 0,923. V zaklju~ku je izvedel potrditvene teste, ki so mu potrdili, da je optimizacija izvr{ena zadovoljivo. S Taguchijevo analizo je na{el parametre mehanske obdelave za doseganje optimalne povr{inske hrapavosti. Ti so: hitrost rezanja 150 m/min, hitrost podajanja 0,1 mm/obrat, globina reza 0,16 mm in mokro hlajenje. Rezultati izra~unov in potrditvenih testov so dali vrednosti za Ra 0,288 μm in 0,296 μm.