Pterygium is an ocular surface degenerative lesion presenting as a wing shaped fibrovascular conjunctival growth. It is located at the interpalpebral region of the conjunctiva, mostly nasal and extends to the cornea. Its prevalence has been reported to range from 0.3 to 29% and is mainly found in the tropical region. To discuss the outcomes and benefits for the patient in the treatment of the pterygium by excision and application of mitomycin C and subpterygium avastin injection without excision. The study was conducted from July 2021 till July 2022 in the Ophthalmology department of Al-Zahraa University Hospital. 40 patients who visited Ophthalmology Department at Al-Zahraa University Hospital will be included in the study. The clinical study was approved by the Azhar's University ethics committee. The follow up of all patients was done 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months postoperatively. Every follow up we examine BCVA, autorefraction, K reading. In our study we found that there is no dangerous complication in two methods of treatment however discomfort and hyperemia after 1 weeks was in all cases of group (1). Also, we found that Recurrence after one month was significantly higher in group 2. There were no significant differences between the two groups as regards the BCVA after 1, 3 and 6 months. The application of mitomycin C in comparison to sub pterygium injection of Avastin without excision are safe treatments. The two method was associated with low recurrence rates, but the use of Avastin without excision is superior in terms of complications as the mitomycin C was applied after an operation. All cases experienced discomfort after Surgery and Hyperemia for 1 week. Further comparative studies with larger sample size and longer follow up are needed to confirm the current results.