Totally Automatic Robust Quantitation in NMR (TARQUIN), a new method for the fully automatic analysis of short echo time in vivo 1 H Magnetic resonance spectroscopy is presented. Analysis is performed in the time domain using non-negative least squares, and a new method for applying soft constraints to signal amplitudes is used to improve fitting stability. Initial point truncation and Hankel singular value decomposition water removal are used to reduce baseline interference. Three methods were used to test performance. First, metabolite concentrations from six healthy volunteers at 3 T were compared with LCModel™. Second, a Monte-Carlo simulation was performed and results were compared with LCModel™ to test the accuracy of the new method. Finally, the new algorithm was applied to 1956 spectra, acquired clinically at 1.5 T, to test robustness to noisy, abnormal, artifactual, and poorly shimmed spectra. computationally efficient (HLSVD; Ref. 4) for in vivo data, and are effective at extracting peak parameters from simple spectra. One drawback of black-box methods is that additional knowledge of spectral features cannot be incorporated into the algorithm allowing infeasible results to be possible for more complex data. For example, an incorrect ratio between peaks originating from the same molecule is possible. The AMARES (5) algorithm was developed to address this issue by extending the VARPRO (6) peak-fitting method to allow a greater level of prior knowledge to be incorporated into the fitting model.Black-box and peak-fitting methods have been shown to be highly effective for sparse spectra such as long echo time (TE) 1 H or 31 P MRS; however, the complex patterns of some metabolites seen in short TE 1 H MRS data are cumbersome to model as a series of single peaks. Although long TE 1 H MRS is still popular, there is a growing trend to shorter TE (7) because of the increase in metabolic information. Therefore, analysis methods that are suited to this data type are becoming increasingly important. For complex data, methods that incorporate a metabolite basis set have been shown to be more effective than peak-fitting methods (8).LCModel™ (9) was one of the first algorithms to incorporate a metabolite basis set into the fitting model and is widely used for the analysis of short TE 1 H MRS data. The algorithm models data in the frequency domain using a linear combination of metabolite, lipid, and macromolecule signals combined with a smoothing splines to account for baseline signals. More recently, the Quantitation Based on Quantum Estimation (QUEST) (10) algorithm has been developed that uses a combination of time-domain fitting and HSVD to model background signals. An alternative approach is taken by Automated Quantitation of Short Echo time MRS Spectra (AQSES) (11) that uses a combination of time-domain fitting and penalized splines to model the baseline. AQSES also differs from LCModel™ and QUEST as it uses the variable projection method to estimate the amplitudes of the metabolite basis set resulting in a reduc...