1 Unfractionated heparin (UH) has been shown to possess a wide range of properties which are potentially anti-in¯ammatory. Many of these studies, including eects of heparin on adhesion of in¯ammatory cells to endothelium, have been carried out in vitro. In the present study, we have used radioisotopic techniques to study the eect of UH, and related molecules, on in vivo in¯ammatory responses (plasma exudation (PE) and PMN accumulation) in rabbit skin induced by cationic proteins, mediators and antigen. ) intravenous UH signi®cantly decreased cutaneous responses to fMLP and LTB 4 . By comparison, the selectin inhibitor, fucoidin, and DS, were very eective inhibitors of these responses, and of responses to AT and PLL. 4 In contrast to the weak eect in the in vivo studies, UH signi®cantly inhibited in vitro homotypic aggregation of rabbit PMNs, showing that it can modify PMN function. 5 Our data with i.d. UH con®rm the important ability of this molecule to interact with and neutralize polycationic peptides in vivo, suggesting that this is a prime role of endogenous heparin. The lack of eect of exogenous heparin on acute in¯ammatory responses induced by allergen, suggests that cationic proteins are unlikely to be primary mediators of the allergen-induced PE or PMN accumulation.