Machine learning (ML) has made rapid progress in many domains including natural language processing, computer vision, autonomous driving, healthcare and finance (Goodfellow et al., 2016). ML applications can be very complex, and neural networks (NN) can consist of millions to billions of trainable parameters, large numbers of layers, and specialized architectures. In recent years, the weather and climate modeling community has started to explore ML techniques with many applications in numerical weather predictions (NWP;Dueben et al., 2021). In general, these applications can be divided into three groups: methods that improve computational efficiency, methods that improve the quality of the prediction system, and methods that help improve our understanding of the Earth system, for example, via unsupervised learning and causal discovery. This paper belongs to the group that aims to improve prediction quality. In particular, we will use deep learning to learn the systematic error of weather forecast models. Attempts to use DL techniques to estimate and correct for model errors have already been documented in the geophysical literature. For example, Watson (2019) uses an Artificial Neural Network to estimate model error tendencies in the Lorenz-96 system. Predicting the error via deep learning is appealing,