In this work a new approach which consists in applying Differential Geometry to Dynamical Systems and called Flow Curvature Method has been presented. By considering the trajectory curve, integral of any n-dimensional dynamical system, as a curve in Euclidean n-space, the curvature of the trajectory curve, i.e. curvature of the flow has been analytically computed enabling thus to define a manifold called: flow curvature manifold. It has been stated that, since such manifold only involves the time derivatives of the velocity vector field and so, contains information about the dynamics of the system, it enables to find again the main features of the dynamical system studied. Thus, fixed points stability, invariant sets, centre manifold , normal forms, local bifurcations, slow invariant manifold and integrability of any n-dimensional dynamical systems have been deduced from the flow curvature manifold, i.e. according to the Flow Curvature Method . The concepts of global invariance and local invariance has been (re)defined from Darboux invariance theorem. So, it has been stated that flow curvature manifold also enabled to "detect" linear invariant manifolds of any n-dimensional dynamical systems which may be used to build first integrals of these systems. For nonlinear invariant manifolds identity between flow curvature manifold and the so-called extatic manifolds has also been stated. It has been established that the Flow Curvature Method enabled to easily compute the coefficients of the centre manifold approximation of any n-dimensional dynamical systems according to global invariance of the flow curvature manifold. Then, a link between normal forms of dynamical systems and "normal forms" of flow curvature manifold has been highlighted. Such a link enabled to directly compute the normal form of a dynamical system starting from its flow curvature manifold .