Abstract. Winds from two co-located two wind measuring instruments, a meteor radar and field widened Michelson interferometer at the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory in Eureka, Nu, Canada (80° N, 86° W) are compared. The two instruments have very different temporal and spatial observational footprints. ERWIN provides airglow weighted winds from three nightglow emissions (O(1S) (oxygen green line, 557.7 nm), an O2 line (866 nm), and an OH line (843 nm)) on a ∼5 minute cadence for measurements at all three heights. As with Fabry-Perot airglow wind observations, these winds are airglow weighted winds from volumes of ∼8 km in height by ∼5 km radius. ERWIN’s higher accuracy (1–2 m/s for the O(1S) and OH emissions and ∼4 m/s for the O2 emissions) and higher cadence allows more detailed wind comparisons of airglow and radar winds than previously possible. The best correlation is achieved using Gaussian weighting of meteor radar winds with peak height and vertical width being optimally determined. Peak heights agree well with co-located SABER airglow observations. Offsets between the two instruments are ∼ 1–2 m/s for the O2 and O(1S) emissions and less than 0.3/s for the OH emission. Wind direction are highly correlated with a ∼ 1:1 correspondence. On average meteor radar wind magnitudes are ∼ 40 % larger than those from ERWIN. Gravity wave airglow brightness weighting of observations is discussed. Non-quadrature phase offsets between the airglow weighting and gravity wave associated wind and temperature perturbations will result in enhanced or reduced layer weighted wind amplitudes.