"De la discussió naix la llum", diuen.
I l'experiència demostra que, efectivament, cadascú sol quedar-se amb les mateixes conviccions que tenia abans de discutir, però més clares.Joan Fuster i Ortells Acknowledgements I can perfectly remember the day, the very moment this thesis started. Of course I still didn't know at that time, but like most relevant changes in life, it came sort of unexpected. It was spring, 2006, a young couple, a car journey on the way back from Granada to Altea, and a telephone call. Lots of stories start like that, in books, in movies, but probably few of them end up with a PhD dissertation. I can't tell what that telephone call supposed at that moment, what it meant, at least not here, so make up your own story if you wish. What concerns us now is that it was David and Luis who were behind that call, so I ended up working at Quirón Hospital, of which my aunt used to say "Quirón, cada escaló un milló". I haven't ever seen those milions, but I got the opportunity to work on a project which was at that time an incredible mixture of wonder, mistery and risk. I'm deeply grateful to my two supervisors for having opened those doors which have led me here, without their priceless help you wouldn't have this little bit of science in your hands.After four years of tough work I've come to meet many people and I guess I owe plenty of things to all of them, but there are some souls which clearly shine with their own light, my battle mates of the underground: Àngel and Gracian, Gracian and Àngel, I was alone and they came, and it was never the same again, long life to CQV!; the radiologists, who have helped me to learn how beautiful we are inside: Salva and Juani (the "sosios"), Cristina, Vicent, Toni, Estanis, Rosario, Enrique and Elena (please, don't pay much attention to the order!); the nurses and technicians, to whom I've had to explain once and again why the hell we sometimes annoy them with strange MR sequences: Noelia, Yolanda, Juani, Eva, Ángel, Susi, MªJosé, Pedro, Rubén, Sandra, Míriam, Saray and our "super", Chelo; our "admin" staff, especially to Dani, with whom I've spent endless afternoons working half-silent and half-listening to all those great classics; the people at Dr. Peset Hospital: Ana, Jose, Salud, Carmen(s) and Jose Luis; and the ones who have been coming and going or passing by: Javier, who should be living in Valencia instead of Madrid, Sergio, Juan, Natalia, Fabián and Clara, Ihope our roads meet again in the future. I also thank Dr. Thierry Metens and Dr.Bernard Van Beers for their wonderful predisposition and rewarding comments.Although they know very little about magnetic resonance or pharmacokinetics, my parents and my brother have known how to give me their unconditional support through all these years "away from home", for showing me the value of work, honesty and humbleness. It doesn't matter how much science we make, how high we rise or how many rivers we cross, in the end our origins will always remain within a mother's womb.Finally, and therefore most important ...