Let F be a local field of characteristic not 2. We propose a definition of stable conjugacy for all the covering groups of Sp(2n, F ) constructed by Brylinski and Deligne, whose degree we denote by m. To support this notion, we follow Kaletha's approach to construct genuine epipelagic L-packets for such covers in the non-archimedean case with p ∤ 2m, or some weaker variant when 4 | m; we also prove the stability of packets when F ⊃ Qp with p large. When m = 2, the stable conjugacy reduces to that defined by J. Adams, and the epipelagic L-packets coincide with those obtained by Θ-correspondence. This fits within Weissman's formalism of L-groups. For n = 1 and m even, it is also compatible with the transfer factors proposed by K. Hiraga and T. Ikeda.(B) For reductive groups, the internal structure of L-packets is elucidated by endoscopy, which originates from the difference between ordinary and stable conjugacy, i.e. conjugacy over the separable closure F , for elements of G reg (F ) at least. It is unclear if this can be lifted to BD-covers. It is more reasonable to do this on pull-backs TQ,m of the BD-cover via ι Q,m : T Q,m → T , for various maximal tori T , or some translates thereof in order to include all good elements.(C) One should be able to form the stable character attached to an L-packet: it is a sum of characters therein with certain multiplicities (often one). Desideratum: the stable character should be a genuine stable distribution, in an appropriate sense for the BD-cover in question.Cf. [14, § §14-15] for further discussions. To the author's knowledge, only two non-trivial cases have been discovered. and (b) all elements are good; in fact ι Q,2 = id T in this case, for all T ⊂ G. Thus the issue (A) disappears, and the structure of packets should be explicated solely in terms of stable conjugacy.
J. Adams defined stable conjugacy on G(2) ψ in terms of the characters of ω ± ψ . This is then developed by D. Renard and the author into a fully-fledged theory of endoscopy, as summarized in [35]. Due to the usage of Weil representations, it cannot be ported to other BD-covers.The endoscopic character relations for this BD-cover are the topic of ongoing works of Caihua Luo,• In an unpublished note by K. Hiraga and T. Ikeda [22], they defined the transfer factors for BDcovers of SL(2) with m ∈ 2Z and established the transfer of orbital integrals; one still has to choose ψ when m ≡ 2 (mod 4). They also classified the good elements in SL reg (2, F ) and stabilized the regular elliptic part of the trace formula. This is ultimately based on Flicker's theory [13] for GL(2, F ) and makes use of Kubota's cocycles; both are unavailable in higher ranks.This offers a testing ground for notions of stable conjugacy, since the transfer factors should transform under stable conjugacy by some explicit character, as in the case of reductive groups [32].The aim of this article is to explore these issues for BD-covers of G = Sp(W ), for general n and m | N F . Note that the representation theory for these covers has also be...