The rock weathering process produces chemical and physical transformations in the rock mass, decreasing the soil's strength and stability. The presence of water in rocks reduces the coefficient of friction and cohesion between mineral particles, changing the mineral composition and microstructure of rocks, resulting in an increase in porosity and a decrease in rock strength, thus accelerating the collapse process. This study aims to determine the effect of the degree of saturation and weathering on the maximum compressive strength, safety factor, and slope failure line. The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) test uses a compression machine to press the rock specimen until deformation. The UCS value of a rock sample is the stress that occurs in the rock sample when the sample collapses due to compression. This research uses 20 specimens taken from Trunojoyo Street, Payung Area, Batu City, consisting of three types of rock: breccia, clay and lapilli; for every kind of rock, 5 variations of saturation with 0-8 minutes of soaking. The results show the average SF value of specimens 1B, 2L, and 3L is 6,02, 2,55, and 1,81, where SF>1.25; it means that the slope conditions are stable and landslides rarely occur. The average SF value of specimen 2C is 1,14 at intervals of 1.07