We measured gross primary productivity (GPP) and respiration (R) seasonally in benthic, water column, and epiphytic microhabitats of Lake Huron fringing wetlands. Spring areal GPP ranged from 33 to 103 mmol O 2 m 22 d 21 , spring R ranged from 16 to 110 mmol O 2 m 22 d 21 , and the water column was the most important microhabitat for both GPP and R on average. Summer GPP ranged from 40 to 131 mmol O 2 m 22 d 21 , R ranged from 25 to 155 mmol O 2 m 22 d 21 , and the water column and benthic microhabitats were equally important for GPP and R. Fall GPP ranged from , 1 to 19 mmol O 2 m 22 d 21 , and R ranged from , 1 to 47 mmol O 2 m 22 d 21 , with the benthic and water column microhabitats being equally important. Net metabolism (the difference between GPP and R) was close to zero at most wetlands, but when macrophyte productivity was accounted for, most wetlands appeared autotrophic. Both GPP and R were highest in deep wetlands protected from hydrologic energy and declined with increasing wave exposure. With increasing exposure, wetlands were restricted to shallower water and benthic GPP and R increased relative to water column GPP and R. This pattern persisted to intermediate levels of exposure, beyond which benthic GPP and R declined as a result of physical disturbance to the sediment. Coastal wetlands are hotspots of productivity in Lake Huron and hydrologic energy is an important driver of total metabolism rates, as well as the distribution of GPP and R among microhabitats.Gross primary productivity (GPP) and respiration (R), collectively referred to as ecosystem metabolism, provide insight into the balance of organic matter production and remineralization in an ecosystem. This balance, or net ecosystem productivity (NEP 5 GPP 2 R), has been used to infer the trophic nature of many aquatic and marine systems, with positive NEP indicating autotrophy and negative NEP indicating heterotrophy (Odum 1956). In lakes, metabolism measurements made in the pelagic zone are often used to characterize the lake as a whole (Cole et al. 2000;Staehr et al. 2010). However, considerable heterogeneity among lake habitats has been observed (Lauster et al. 2006;Van de Bogert et al. 2007). For example, benthic habitats often have much different metabolic conditions than pelagic habitats (Vadeboncoeur et al. 2001(Vadeboncoeur et al. , 2002, and shallow littoral habitats, especially shoreline marshes, can have elevated GPP and R rates relative to deeper pelagic areas (Carter 1988). Despite the recognition that wetlands are important biogeochemical hotspots, there have been markedly few attempts to quantify metabolism or identify its drivers in shoreline wetlands, especially in the Laurentian Great Lakes. This is surprising given that metabolism is an important functional measurement in general (Cole et al. 2000;Staehr et al. 2010) and that wetlands are among the most productive ecosystems globally (Wetzel 2001).Emergent shoreline wetlands support numerous ecosystem services, such as trapping organic matter, nutrients, and sed...