Bio-geo-optical data collected in the Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, USA were used to develop a semi-empirical optical algorithm for assessing inherent optical properties associated with water quality components (WQCs). Three wavelengths (560, 665, and 709 nm) were explored for algorithm development. WQCs included chlorophyll a (Chl), volatile suspended solids (VSS), fixed suspended solids (FSS), total suspended solids (TSS), and absorption of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (a CDOM ). The relationships between the measured remote-sensing reflectance and the WQCs were derived based on radiative transfer model calculations. We simulated and analyzed the impact of CDOM absorption in the red and near infrared spectral domains, multiple scattering, and scattering phase function on the accuracy of WQCs prediction. The algorithm was validated by comparing experimental Chl dynamics with predicted values and a numerical comparison between measured and modeled Chl values. The numerical comparison yielded the highest correlation between predicted and measured WQCs for Chl (R 2 = 0.88) and the lowest for FSS (R 2 = 0.00), while the best and worst mean-normalized root-mean-squares errors were obtained for a CDOM (412.5) and FSS (35% and 59%, respectively). WQCs retrieval accuracy was typically significantly better at values of a TSS, red > 0.5 m -1 .