RESUMO -apresentou 11 a 22% de proteína bruta, 39 a 46% de fibra em detergente ácido e 55 a 66% de fibra em detergente neutro, boa tolerância a seca estival e produção de matéria seca verde durante a primavera-verão-outono. A produção foi interrompida quando as temperaturas reduziram para abaixo de 15 o C. Morfologicamente, a população de Paspalum plicatulum apresenta elevado potencial de afilhamento (105/planta), touceiras compactas (circunferência = 53 cm), brotações basais e hábito cespitoso.Palavras-chave: afilhamento, capim-coqueirinho, fibra em detergente ácido, fibra em detergente neutro, matéria seca, proteína bruta
Morphophysiological and bromatological aspects of Paspalum plicatulumABSTRACT -This work aimed to evaluate the forage value of a brown-seed grass (Paspalum plicatulum) population, considering bromatological aspects and dry matter accumulation. Plants were obtained from tussocks and they were established in a weed-free area 80 cm apart from each other. The experimental design was completely randomized and treatments consisted of plant age after establishment characterized by days (D) and degree-days (DD) accumulated above 0ºC. Harvests were performed at ground level in late-spring (27 D, 587 DD), mid-summer (68 D, 1534 DD), mid-fall (149 D, 3311 DD), and mid-winter (226 D, 4527 DD). Brown-seed grass showed 11-22% of crude protein, 39-46% of acid detergent fiber and 55-66% of neutral detergent fiber, good tolerance to summer drought, and produced green dry matter during spring, summer and fall. Growth stopped when the temperatures dropped below 15ºC. Morphologically the population showed a high tillering potential (105/plant), compact tussocks (circumference = 53 cm), basal sprouting, and erect growth.