on commercial power reactors caused by the restricted power maneuvering capabilities of current light water reactor (LWR) fuel rod designs. The purpose of the program is to establish the technical bases for design of 0 improved fuel concepts which can be operated consistent with the mhneuvering capability of nuclear steam supply systems. Consumers Power Company, Exxon Nuclear Company, and Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratories are the three participants in the program. Task 1, "Assess Fuel-Cladding Interaction State-of-the-Technology and Potential Improved Concepts," of the program addressed the qualitative assessment of the relative merits of candidate fuel concepts with the botential for improved power ramp behavior and selected several concepts. for further evaluation. It was deemed important that the main concepts selected be low-risk types, be representative of the current state of the technology, and have a substantial experience base. Of those concepts considered presently to have an adequately developed data base, annular pellets, graphite coatings on the inside cladding surface, and packed-particle fuel(a were selected for evaluation. Actually, graphite-coated cladding is being evaluated in combination with annular pellet fuel in order to combine the potential improvements associated with each design change (graphite-coated cladding is also being used in combination with some of the "reference" solid pellet fuel to evaluate separate effects). Prepressurization, in combination with these improved 0 fuel designs, is being considered for evaluation as a fuel-claddinginteraction remedy. (a) Two types of packed-particle fuel are being considered in this program: vipac fuel (vibrationally compacted angular fuel particles) and sphere-pac fuel (vibrationally compacted fuel microspheres).