OBJECTIVES:To evaluate the factors that affect nebulizer efficiency and to compare the relative cost effectiveness of nebulized medications used in the treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF), delivered by four types of disposable jet nebulizers that are widely used in hospitals. DESIGN: The Hudson 1730 Updraft II, Baxter Misty-Neb, Marquest Whisper Jet (WJ), and Marquest Acorn II were evaluated in terms of respirable aerosol output (particles 5 µm or less), nebulizer dead (residual) volume (V D ), and time for complete nebulization using saline, salbutamol and tobramycin at flows of 6 and 8 L/min. The respirable fraction (RF) was determined by laser diffraction, and drug output was calculated from the initial volume and concentration of the drug in the nebulizer minus the product of final drug concentration and the V D following nebulization. COST ANALYSIS: The expected pulmonary deposition (D E ) was estimated, and incorporated with the material and labour costs to determine the cost effectiveness of each type of nebulizer. RESULTS: With a D E greater than two times that of the WJ at a cost of 2.4 times less, the Updraft II proved most efficient and cost effective of all the nebulizers evaluated in this study.
CONCLUSIONS:The cost effectiveness of each nebulizer was determined by its efficiency, which in turn was predominantly related to its V D and RF at each flow. The efficiencies of these four devices were different and could not have been predicted from specifications provided by the respective manufacturers.Key Words: Aerosol; Cost effectiveness; Cystic fibrosis; Dead volume; Efficiency; Nebulizer Effet de l'espace mort sur la performance et le coût de l'administration de médicaments aux patients atteints de fibrose kystique du pancréas avec quatre nébuliseurs jetables OBJECTIFS : Évaluer les facteurs qui modifient la performance d'un nébuliseur et comparer la rentabilité relative des médicaments nébulisés et utilisés pour traiter la fibrose kystique du pancréas (FKP) au moyen de quatre types de nébuliseurs jetables largement utilisés dans les hôpitaux. Updraft II, Baxter Misty-Neb, Marquest Whisper Jet (WJ) et Marquest Acorn II ont été évalués relativement à leur production de gouttelettes respirables (particules de 5 µm et moins), à l'espace mort (V D ) résiduel du nébuliseur, et au temps requis pour une nébuli-voir page suivante I nhalational aerosol therapy is widely used as a method to deliver bronchodilators and antibiotics in the treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF). It is commonly accepted that the ideal particle size for pulmonary deposition at the level of the lower airways is within the range of 1 and 5 mm in diameter, and, from this concept, the respirable fraction (RF) of aerosol output has been defined as the mass of drug carried in droplets 5 mm or less (1-3), although it is recognized that data in the pediatric age group are limited and in vitro data may not correlate with in vivo data (4). While the combination of particle size distribution, gas flow driving the nebulizer and the fill volume ...