Several studies have shown that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), a phospholipidic chemical mediator, is relevant to the pathogenesis of ovarian carcinoma. Higher plasma levels of LPA have been reported in patients with ovarian carcinoma than in healthy patients, and LPA is known to activate ovarian carcinoma cells. To determine the reason for the increased plasma LPA levels in ovarian carcinoma patients, we compared the activities of serum lysophospholipase D, a novel LPA‐producing metallo‐enzyme, in healthy volunteers, patients with benign ovarian tumor, and patients with ovarian carcinoma.
Lysophospholipase D activity was assessed by measuring the percentage conversion of [14C]palmitoyl‐lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) added to human serum. The apparent enzyme activities were corrected based on the serum levels of palmitoyl‐LPC determined by gas‐liquid chromatography after its purification and conversion to fatty acid methyl esters.
The apparent activity of lysophospholipase D in serum preparations from four patients with ovarian carcinoma at Stage IV was significantly higher than those from five healthy subjects, five patients with benign ovarian tumors, and fourteen patients with ovarian carcinoma at Stages I (n = 5), II (n = 4), and III (n = 5). The serum levels of LPC, an endogenous substrate of lysophospholipase D, in ovarian carcinoma patients were less than those in patients with benign ovarian tumors. There were no significant differences in the corrected lysophospholipase D activity for the LPC levels in healthy women, patients with benign ovarian tumors, and patients with ovarian carcinoma at various stages.
The current results suggest that lysophospholipase D is not associated with the elevated plasma levels of LPA in ovarian carcinoma patients previously reported, although only a limited number of patients were analyzed. Cancer 2002;94:141–51. © 2002 American Cancer Society.