In the world of sports research, there are different ways to determinate physical conditioning, ranging from expensive laboratory-invasive methods to cheap, field based-non-invasive methods. The field based-non-invasive test maintains good reliability and low cost using physiological parameters such heart rate, saliva electrolytes or lactate, perceived exertion and electromyography among others. These parameters can be used to estimate anaerobic threshold (AnT) to predict sport performance, redirect training and can help coaches and athletes to be more competitive. However, each of this parameter has some particularities and controversy due to different results reported by specialist. These differences may be explained by protocol testing used, sport level sample, starting intensity or number of levels among others. Despite this, they still have good reproducibility and applications on field based test protocols. Mentioned tests could be used in a large scale, and more often, with paying attention about level of correlation with original invasive tests, and percent of possible mistake in estimation process. Cheaper, and simpler tests (instead subjective estimation of training load) allows using more precise planning and changing volume, and intensity of training, for coaches, and athletes, that have needed level of education and less money. Athletes comfort, and possible high frequency of testing during noninvasive test, also must be emphasized as an advantage during training evaluation process.