A general-purpose robot that can be reprogrammed and has specific anthropometric characteristics is an industrial robot. Robots are capable of doing repetitive, challenging, and dangerous activities with accuracy. In order to enhance product quality and boost efficiency, manufacturing businesses have traditionally placed a high priority on selecting the right robots. Given that potential users are likely to have no prior experience with a robot; the topic of robot selection is extremely pertinent. Industrial robot selection necessitates a thorough investigation and assessment of the requirements because they are frequently expensive and have a variety of features. Before an appropriate robot can be chosen, several factors, including product design, the production system, and economics must be taken into account. There are already many different industrial robot's kinds on the market, each with its capabilities, features, facilities, and specifications. by various manufacturers Continued on Robots Introduced complexity, modernity Technology and features Because the decision-making process gets harder and harder. Accurate Utilization efficiency and low to get the desired output at cost, So much for the decision maker job Find a suitable robot to choose. Robot selection techniques have evolved in a variety of ways. This paper uses the COPRAS for the goal of selecting industrial robots while keeping in mind previous research on industrial robot selection. By using the COPRAS method Here rank of alternate robots for ASEA-IRB 60/2 (R1) is fifth, Cincinnati Milacrone T3-726 (R2) is third, Cybotech V15 Electric Robot (R3) is second, Hitachi America Process Robot (R4) is first, Unimation PUMA 500/600 (R 5) is seventh, United States Robots Maker 110 (R6) is sixth, Yaskawa Electric Motoman L3C (R7) is fourth. The result of the analysis shows that Hitachi America Process Robot is the most preferred industrial robot followed by Cybotech V15 Electric Robot,