In Zn ion-buffered media, oceanic species (Thalassiosira oceanica and Emiliania hu.xZeyi) grew at near-maximal rates at the lowest free Zn ion concentration ([Zn2+] = lo-12,3 M), whereas coastal species (Thalassiosira pseudonana and Thalassiosira weissflogii) were limited at [Zn2+] < lo-" M. The ability of the oceanic species to outgrow coastal ones at low [Zn2+] was due almost entirely to a reduced growth requirement for cellular Zn rather than to an increased capability for uptake. All isolates exhibited similar sigmoidal relationships between cellular Zn: C ratios and [Zn2+] with minimal slopes at [Zn2+] of lO-'o.5 to -1 O-9.5 M and increasing slopes above and below this range. The minimal slopes at intermediate [Zr?+] could be explained by negative feedback regulation of a high-affinity Zn uptake system, while increased slopes at high [Zn2+] appeared to be related to uptake by a low-affinity site. Measured relationships between cellular Zn : C ratios and [Zn'+] agreed well with those computed from a modified Redfield model based on depth profiles for Zn and PO, concentrations and Zn chelation in the nutricline of the North Pacific. This agreement provides evidence that Zn concentrations in the nutricline are controlled by biological uptake and regeneration as occurs for major nutrients.There is mounting evidence that the distribution and chemical speciation of certain trace metal nutrients and the growth and species composition of phytoplankton communities are tightly linked (Morel and Hudson 1984; Sunda 199 1). Like major nutrients, many trace metal nutrients occur at concentrations in surface oceanic waters that are orders of magnitude lower than those in coastal environments. Two of the most important metallic micronutrients, Fe and Zn, occur at lo-lo M or less in oceanic waters, but are present at 100-l ,000 times higher concentrations in coastal and estuarine waters (Bruland and Franks 1983;Evans 1977;Martin and Gordon 1988;Martin et al. 1989). The marked neritic-oceanic differences in the concentrations of these metals are associated with large corresponding variations in the growth requirements of neritic and oceanic algal species for these micronutrients, providing evidence that both metals have had a marked influence on the ' Present address: Office of Naval Research, Code 1123C, Arlington, Virginia 222 17-5000. Reprint requests should be sent to the Beaufort Laboratory. AcknowledgmentsThis work was partially funded by a grant from the Office of Naval Research.We thank Kenneth Bruland, Larry Brand, Francois Morel, and an anonymous referee for reviews of this manuscript.evolution and spatial distribution of phytoplankton species (Brand et al. 1983).Large increases also occur with depth in the concentrations of many trace metal nutrients and nutrient analogs resembling observed increases in major nutrient concentrations. Zn has been found to increase from 0.07 nM in surface waters of the central North Pacific to 8 nM at 1,500 m, and its concentration is linearly correlated with that of silici...