The structure of adsorbed surfactant layers at equilibrium state has already been investigated using various experimental techniques. However, the comprehension of the formation of structural intermediates in non-equilibrium states and the resulting adsorption kinetics still remains a challenging task. The temporal characterization of these intermediate structures provides further understanding of the layer structure at equilibrium and of the main interactions involved in the adsorption process. In this article, we studied adsorption kinetics of AOT vesicles on silica at different pH at ambient temperature. AOT vesicles were formed in a brine solution. Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) was used to obtain information on the kinetics of surfactant adsorption and on the structure of the adsorbed layer at the equilibrium state.Additionally, neutron reflectivity experiments were performed to provide a detailed description of the mean surfactant concentration profile normal to the surface at equilibrium. Results suggest that vesicles in the bulk influence the adsorption mechanisms. In acidic conditions, after a time dependent structural rearrangement step followed by the rupture of initially adsorbed vesicles, the formation of a bilayer was observed. At intermediate and basic pH, in spite of the electrostatic repulsion between the negatively charged surfactants and silica, results demonstrated the existence of an adsorbed layer composed of AOT vesicles. Vesicles are more or less closely packed depending on the pH of the solution. Results show non-negligible influence of NaCl addition at pH values where adsorption is initially inhibited. Vesicle adsorption at intermediate and basic pH is probably due to the combination of attractive van der Waals interactions promoted in high ionic strength systems and the formation of hydrogen bonds. Interpretation of adsorption kinetics gave insight into adsorption mechanisms in an electrostatic repulsion environment.