All linear relations with real coefficients between the Euler characteristics of manifolds of singularities of wave fronts are found for all generic compact fronts in all spaces of dimension at most 6.A brief synopsis of all notions and facts of the singularity theory of Legendre mappings [1] which we use in this paper is contained in the author's previous paper [5].Suppose given a smooth (of class C ∞ ) n-manifold B, a smooth (2n − 1)-manifold E endowed with a contact structure, and a Legendre bundle ρ : E → B. Consider a smooth compact (without boundary) Legendre submanifold L in E and the Legendre mapping f = ρ • i : L → B, where i : L → E is the identity embedding. The image F = f (L) of the mapping f is called a (wave) front. We say that a statement about Legendre mappings or their fronts holds for a generic mapping f or a generic front F if it is true for all embeddings i belonging to an open dense subset of the space of all embeddings i : L → E (in the C ∞ -topology).For n 6, each singularity of a generic mapping f is Legendre equivalent to a singularity at zero of the mappingwheret = (t 1 , . . . , t k ),q = (q k+1 , . . . , q n−1 ), and S = S(t,q) is a smooth function of one of the following types (μ is an integer):+ · · · + q 3 t 2 2 , 4 μ n, E 6 : S = S(t 1 , t 2 ,q) = t 3 1 + t 4 2 + q 5 t 1 t 2 2 + q 4 t 1 t 2 + q 3 t 2 2 , μ= 6 n (see [1]). The number μ is called the codimension of the singularity. If μ is odd, then singularities of types D + µ and D − µ are Legendre equivalent (and their type is denoted by D µ ). Legendre singularities of other types are pairwise Legendre nonequivalent.Let S be the free Abelian multiplicative semigroup whose generators are the symbols A µ (μ = 1, 2, . . . ), D − 2+2k , D + 2+2k , D 3+2k (k = 1, 2, . . . ), and E 6 . Consider any nonidentity element A = X 1 · · · X p ∈ S, where X 1 , . . . , X p is any set of generators in the semigroup S. A front F has a singularity of type A at a point y ∈ B if (1) f −1 (y) consists of p pairwise different points and (2) the points of f −1 (y) can be ordered as x 1 , . . . , x p so that f has singularities of types X 1 , . . . , X p , respectively, at these points. The sum of the codimensions of the singularities of types X 1 , . . . , X p is called the codimension of the given singularity of type A and denoted by codim A .If n 6, then any generic front F has a singularity of type A ∈ S with codim A n at each of its points. The set A F of points at which F has singularities of type A is a smooth submanifold of codimension codim A in B. In what follows, we denote the Euler characteristic χ(A F ) of the * This work was supported by RFBR grant no. 08-01-00388.