monthly cycles lasting 5 days. MRI revealed UD with hematometrocolpos versus hematometra alone due to left-sided CA and left hematosalpinx. She was started on Lupron for menstrual suppression. Six months later she underwent vaginoscopy, cystoscopy, right ureteral stent insertion, roboticassisted laparoscopic excision of the left uterine horn and fallopian tube, lysis of adhesions, chromotubation, and cystectomy and drainage of endometriomas. Intraoperative findings included obstructed functional left uterine horn with CA, left hematosalpinx, normal right uterine horn and fallopian tube with rightward deviated vagina and cervix, right tubal patency, significant dense adhesions, and endometriosis. Postoperatively, she continues on Lupron therapy for endometriosis suppression. Case 2: A 15 year old female with known solitary right kidney presented to clinic for a second opinion of a MA. She had menarche at age 11 and developed severe dysmenorrhea. She was started on combined oral contraceptive pills by her pediatrician but dysmenorrhea continued. MRI showed UD with concern for hematometrocolpos versus hematometra due to left CA. She underwent surgery, including cystoscopy, right ureteral stent placement, vaginoscopy, robotic-assisted laparoscopic excision of left uterine horn and fallopian tube, and chromotubation. Intraoperative findings included normal single cervix and vagina, left uterine horn with CA, obstructed left dilated fallopian tube with filmy adhesions to left pelvic sidewall, normal right uterine horn and fallopian tube with confirmed tubal patency, and endometriosis. After surgery she was initiated on Lupron for endometriosis suppression.