Oil and gas production across a producing reservoir may vary in a complex manner that is unrelated to anyone physical property. Such variations relate to properties which together can be called reservoir heterogeneity. Some forms of heterogeneity can sometimes be resolved by classical' geologic and engineering methods, but often the variability is not resolvable because of incomplete data, poor reservoir pressure analysis, or simply because the reservoir heterogeneity is beyond resolution as dictated by well spacing or well distribution. Thus, a new composite reservoir well testing model is a necessary tool to obtain more pertinent data for future studies. This composite reservoir model has the variation of fluid viscosities in two different zones. Hence, the fluids distribution information can be obtained with the pressure testing analysis. The composite reservoir can model reservoirs with a fluid bank, reservoirs with a water flooding front, and reservoirs with steam or a miscible flooding front.When the reservoir heterogeneity of different formations can be more accurately defined, then fracture stimulation and well specing can be planned in a more manageable fashion. The production manager and engineer will be able to optimize production and infill drilling. The above objectives will definitely help West Virginia's current and future energy challenges.References and illustrations at end of paper.
55The variation of flow regions in the lateral direction is very common for the most of the reservoir conditions, e.g., permeability, the mobility ratio and transmissibility. These variations either occur near the wellbore condition or away from the borehole. However, the fluid distributions within the· .reservoir formation have the most interest to us because we want to find out the potential of production: The regional variations in transmissibility and mobility ratio reflect the fluid distribution, particularly the reservoir condition after the extended period of production· and shut-in. A study of the regional variation in reservoir parameters is known as the composite reservoir modeling. This model study has been applied for pressure transient analysis to determine permeability variations.Actually, the composite reservoir model has a wide application other than just permeability variations because the composite reservoir is being modeled by two concentric zones of different fluid distributions and transmissibilties separated by a discontinuity. The composite reservoir can model reservoirs with a fluid bank, reservoirs with a steam front, and reservoirs with a miscible flooding front and other recovery processes. The potential applications have been discussed in several papers. 1 However, the composite reservoir model has not been applied before for those recovery processes because variation of viscosities has not considered before.This paper illustrates how the composite reservoir model has been developed for the above specific applications. The variation of fluid viscosities corresponds with the fluids distribu...