Dedicatedt ot he Laboratoire HØtØrochimieF ondamentale et AppliquØeo nt he occasiono fi ts 50 th anniversary.Supporting information for this article is availableunder Small zero-valent copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) have been straightforwardly preparedf rom Cu(I) andC u(II) precursors in glycerol andi nt he presence of polyvinylpyrrolidone as stabilizer. Thanks to the negligible vaporp ressure of the solvent, these original nano-systems could be directly characterized in glycerol as well as in the solids tate, exhibiting relevantly homogeneous colloidal dispersions,a lso evena fter catalysis. CuNPs coming from the well-defined coordinationc omplex di-m-hydroxobis[(N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine)copper(II)] chloride {[Cu(k 2 -N,N-TMEDA)(m-OH)] 2 Cl 2 } have been highly efficient in C-C andC -heteroatom bond formation processes. This newc atalytic system has proved its performance in C-Nc ouplings and in the synthesis of differently substitutedp ropargylic amines throughc ross-dehydrogenative couplings, multi-component reactions such as A 3 (aldehydealkyne-amine) and KA 2 (ketone-alkyne-amine) couplings,a sw ell as in the formationo fh eterocycles such as benzofurans,i ndolizines,a nd quinolines under smoothc onditions.N os ignificant copper amount was detected in the extracted organic compounds from the catalytic phase by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopic (ICP-AES)analyses,p roving ah ighly efficient immobilization of copper nanoparticles in glycerol. From am echanisticp oint of view,s pectroscopic data (infrareda nd ultraviolet-visible spectra) agreew ith asurface-like catalytic reactivity.