The study of PaaS platform security enhancement has occupied scholars from a number of disciplines, in previous works has so many security issues like Security problems can be a big barrier to cloud computing. System servers require trustworthy security measures to different data domains according to the system servers own operating mechanism. Problem is constructed by filtering out those cloud providers not conforming to high-level security requirements. By including low-level security requirements to be used for filtering the cloud provider space and formulating the optimisation function. To overcome all the above drawbacks our proposed work mainly focused on the security of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) as well as the most critical security issues that were documented regarding PaaS infrastructure. This work has two main aspects: First, suitable access control on user personal data, VMs and platform services and Second planning and adapting application deployments based on security requirements. In Fuzzy based access control to information sources is mainly realised by exploiting the CDO security feature. In Security feature code was modified to map the class and packet filter for any specific permission to our own class. If the Identity Provider (IdP) has included public security information on the two main parts in the small token on which Trust based Signature elements are placed, i.e., the whole token or the assertions included, this public key is used to validate the respective signature. The experimental results will show that our proposed method outperforms the traditional methods. Our proposed methodology was implemented in the platform of JAVA.