Objective: Teaching intrapartum care is one of the most challenging tasks in undergraduate medical education. Highfi delity obstetric simulators might support students ' learning experience. The specifi c educational impact of these simulators compared with traditional methods of model-based obstetric teaching has not yet been determined. Study design: We randomly assigned 46 undergraduate medical students to be taught using either a high-fi delity simulator or a scale wood-and-leather phantom. Their self-assessments were evaluated using a validated questionnaire. We assessed obstetric skills and asked students to solve obstetric paper cases. Main outcome measures: Assessment of fi delity-specifi c teaching impact on procedural knowledge, motivation, and interest in obstetrics as well as obstetric skills using high-and low-fi delity training models. Results: High-fi delity simulation specifi cally improved students ' feeling that they understood both the physiology of parturition and the obstetric procedures. Students in the simulation group also felt better prepared for obstetric house jobs and performed better in obstetric skills evaluations. However, the two groups made equivalent obstetric decisions.
Conclusion:This study provides fi rst data on the impact of high-fi delity simulation in an undergraduate setting.