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SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES14. ABSTRACT During the past three years, we have worked to develop and analyze a high-enthalpy flow dataset for CFD code validation. In collaboration with CUBRC Inc. personnel, we designed the experimental conditions for the double-cone geometry used in previous low-enthalpy nitrogen tests. We then used our standard CFD codes and thermo-chemical models to analyze these flows. In general, the comparisons with nitrogen flows are good, even at high enthalpy (1OMJ/kg). But the comparisons between predictions and experiments for air above 5MJ/kg is poor. We find that as the enthalpy increases, the agreement gets worse. In particular, the CFD predicts that the separation zone decreases in size much more rapidly than given in the experiments. There is growing interest in validating existing numerical methods and physical models employed in currently state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes. The numerical methods and physical models that are under examination and are the subject of validation studies pertain to the simulation of hypersonic low Reynolds number flows that are in the continuum and the near continuum limit. This work was based on the framework that we established for the validation of numerical methods for inert hypersonic flows under Air Force support in recent years.
SUBJECT TERMSIn the past, we simulated experiments of hypersonic laminar double-cone flows that were performed at the Large Energy National Shock (LENS) facility. The experiments were conducted as part of a validation effort for continuum and particle-based codes. The double-cone flow was chosen because it exhibits strong viscous/inviscid and shock interactions, and we have shown that the separation zone that forms at the cone-cone juncture is sensitive to both the amount of numerical dissipation in the numerical scheme and the amount of energy that participates in the dissociation process and other chemical relaxation phenomena (real-gas effects). The double-cone flows are very challenging to compute even with present day computing power. As a result of the previous effort, a large number of experiments were performed in air under high enthalpy conditions. The experiments were performed in different facilities at LENS, and data exists for a range of free-stream Mach and Reynolds numbers at various level of free-stream enthalpy. Simulations of these experiments that employ standard chemical kinetics models show...