Timely release of dopamine (DA) at the striatum seems to be important for reinforcement learning (RL) mediated by the basal ganglia. Houk et al. (in: Houk et al (eds) Models of information processing in the basal ganglia, (1995) proposed a cellular signaling pathway model to characterize the interaction between DA and glutamate pathways that have a role in RL. The model simulation results, using GENESIS KINETIKIT simulator, point out that there is not only prolongation of duration as proposed by Houk et al. (1995), but also an enhancement in the amplitude of autophosphorylation of CaMKII. Further, the autophosphorylated form of CaMKII may form a basis for the "eligibility trace" condition required in RL. This simulation study is the first of its kind to support the comprehensive theoretical proposal of Houk et al. (1995).